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Each one has a recipe for feeling good at the table: the presence of friends and family, the experience of eating something new, the certainty of eating healthy and natural food. There are those who want to feed body and soul. Or just keep the human machine running smoothly.

EAT WHAT? presents the daily life of a series of characters linked to the world of food, from renowned chefs to rural producers, passing through specialists in nutrition, economics and gastronomy. Alex Atala, Bela Gil, Helena Rizzo, Marcos Palmeira, Marcio Atalla, among others, present to the actress and nutritionist Graziela Mantoanelli the various dimensions and possibilities of good nutrition.


Created and directed by Leonardo Brant, EAT WHAT? serves the public a feast of flavors, images, reflections and emotions, in a light and unpretentious way. Affection, health, culture, industry and education form possible equations between enjoyment and care, awareness and spontaneity, balance and well-being.

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